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Change in route to Badia Prataglia.

Badia Prataglia, from Friday 14th June from 7:15 to 13:45 (every Friday) from 14th June to 13th September 2024, transit is prohibited in Piazza del Mercato due to the weekly market.
During this period, the stops for boarding and alighting for line H02 will be those located along S.R. 71 near the School (stops numbered PY093 and PY100).
Suppressed stops: 9@PY112 Badia Prataglia Piazza del Mercato
Replacement stops: 9@PY093 S.P. 71 Badia Prataglia NC. 32-9@PY100 S.P. 71 - Badia Prataglia di Fronte NC. 30

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