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Dial-a-ride services

Rosignano marittimo

Service within the Municipality of Rosignano - Zone G (Rosignano, Maccetti, Acquabona, SS206 (junction of Santa Luce_Malandrone) Serragrande, Rosignano Solvay (Musselburgh, ASL v. Moro), Castiglioncello (only V. Pel di Lupo Svs) Castelnuovo*, Gabbro*, Nibbiaia*, Chioma* (*only in the morning)

  • On winter weekdays services run from 8:50am to 11:50am and from 3:30pm to 6:30pm;
  • On summer weekdays services run from 8:00am to 12:20pm and from 2:00pm to 8:00pm;

0586 377181

  • Season pass holders can book one or more return journeys a day.
  • Those that require the service on a regular basis can book it for an extended period, also with different times and destinations from day to day. Journeys must be booked at least one day in advance.
  • One-off bookings can be made up to 45 minutes before the desired departure time and must in any case be made between 7:00am - 9:00am and 1:00pm - 3:30pm on weekdays.

Poggio a Caiano - Carmignano

Service Poggio a Caiano-Carmignano-Seano-Comeana-Bacchereto-Artimino-Poggio alla Malva-Carmignano Railway Station and the towns of Isola and Spazzavento.

The service runs from Monday to Saturday from 9:00am to 12:30pm and from 3:30pm to 7:00pm. In July there is no service on Saturdays.In August the service is completely suspended.

To book just call the toll free number 800 063840 from 8:30am to 11:30am and from 2:30pm to 5:30pm from Monday to Friday.

Saturday services will be booked and confirmed no later than 5:30pm on Fridays.


Pontedera supplementary urban service.

Service runs from 8:00am to 8:00pm every day from Monday to Saturday. No service in August.
Journeys can be booked by phoning 331 543 3373.


From 11/06/2022 lines 3 and 5 to/from Ospedale, San Rocco, Palazzina dei Mulini and V. Ninci will be cancelled on weekdays and replaced with a dial-a-ride service.
The service will run in the area affected by the cancelled services, i.e.: OSPEDALE – CIMITERO – VIA NINCI – SAN ROCCO – VILLA dei MULINI – CARPANI – ALBERETO – V. MANGANARO (POST OFFICE)

Users can call 0565 1930660 to agree on their departure time from one of the stops in the areas served, indicate their desired destination within the aforementioned areas and, if applicable, also organise their return trip .
By calling at least one working day before their first journey, regular users can book one or more return trips a day, reserving the service for an entire period, also with different times and destinations every day.
Non-regular users must make their bookings at least 45 minutes before the desired departure time and in any case between 8.00am-1.00pm / 2.00pm-7.00pm on weekdays. It is not possible to make reservations in the event of scheduled services.

Service available every weekday from 7.00am to 1.00pm

Main Stops: all the current stops along the cancelled routes
Interchange hub: Viale Elba


  • BUXI A
    The end of line and junction with the other urban and suburban transport lines is the outdoor stop at Porta Pispini. There are therefore 78 stops on the Buxi A line.
    In the section between Due Ponti and Porta Pispini, for the dial-a-ride service, it will only be possible to get off; you can only get on the bus on the reverse route.
    Buxi vehicles will only stop at stops for which a request has been made and only for users who have made a booking.


  • BUXI B
    The BUXI B dial-a-ride bus serves Strada di Terrensano and Belcaro, Strada di Montalbuccio and Strada degli Agostoli.
    The Buxi will also serve Casciano alle Masse, including the cemetery, Strada Comunale di Casciano, Strada Provinciale di Montemaggio, Strada di Pian del Lago in La Fabbrica, Strada di Montalbuccio, Podere Quercetano, Fornicchiaia, which currently have no service.
    The Buxi will also serve Costafabbri, Ginestreto, Strada di Sant’Apollinare and Strada Provinciale delle Ville di Corsano, which are currently served by regular buses.
    Thanks to the Buxi, it will therefore be possible to get to other towns not currently served, such as the Strada del Ceraiolo as far as Doglia, Ginestreto and current end of line, Monastero.
    The stops, based on the bookings made, will be the new equipped area of Pescaia Alta (with pedestrian overpass, lift and escalator towards via Battisti) or the Ex-slaughterhouses of Fontebranda (here you can take the Costone escalator to get to the centre or the Pollicino bus to Piazza Indipendenza).
    In the section between Costafabbri and the centre and in Massetana Romana, with the dial-a-ride service it will only be possible to get off; in the opposite direction you can only get on the bus.
    It will always be possible to get on and off at Colonna di San Marco having made a reservation. This stop is also a junction with the other urban and suburban transport lines.
    There are therefore 76 Buxi B stops on the network, 15 of which new.
    The following scheduled services will continue to run at peak times to meet the needs of workers and students.


  • LINE 21
    • 7:25am Piazza Indipendenza – Col. S. Marco – Montalbuccio – Col. S. Marco – Piazza Indipendenza
    • 1:45pm Piazza Indipendenza – Col. S. Marco – Montalbuccio – Col. S. Marco – Piazza Indipendenza


  • LINE 31
    • 7:10am Volte Basse-Carpineto-Ginestreto-Piazza Gramsci
    • 2:30pm Volte Basse-Carpineto-Ginestreto-Piazza Gramsci
    • 1:50pm Piazza Gramsci-Ginestresto-Carpineto-Volte Basse
    • 9:10pm Piazza Gramsci-Ginestresto-Carpineto-Volte Basse


  • LINE 637
    • 1:05pm Piazza Indipendenza – Colonna S. Marco – Piazza Indipendenza
    • 1:20pm Piazza Indipendenza – Colonna S. Marco – Piazza Indipendenza
    • 2:20pm Piazza Indipendenza – Colonna S. Marco


  • LINE 110
    With the exception of the bus that leaves the Siena railway station at 7:50pm, the 110 will no longer serve Ginestreto.



Lunedì-venerdì feriali: 09:00-12:00

Le prenotazioni per il lunedì devono pervenire entro le ore 12:00 del venerdì precedente. I servizi del sabato devono essere prenotati e confermati entro e non oltre le ore 12:00 del venerdì.



Corse previste nei giorni feriali: dal lunedì al sabato: 09:00-12:00 e 15:00-18:00.

I percorsi verranno definiti giornalmente in base all’ordine di ricezione delle prenotazione.

Località servite: Montecatini, Borgo a Buggiano, Margine Coperta, Uzzano, Forone, Castello di Uzzano, La Capanna, Ponte Buggianese Anchione, Chiesina Uzzanese, Pescia, Ricciano, Val di Forfora, Val di Torbola.


Telefono 0572 031711


Lunedì-venerdì feriali: 09:00-12:00

Le prenotazioni per il lunedì devono pervenire entro le ore 12:00 del venerdì precedente. I servizi del sabato devono essere prenotati e confermati entro e non oltre le ore 12:00 del venerdì.



Corse previste nei giorni feriali: dal lunedì al sabato: 09:00-12:00.

I percorsi verranno definiti giornalmente in base all’ordine di ricezione delle prenotazione.

Località servite: Pistoia, Castagno, Casore del Monte, Cotoro, Berso, Momigno, Montagnana, Spedaletto, Casotti, Pian di Novello, Fontana Vaccaia, Abetone.


Telefono 0572 031711


Dal martedì al venerdì dalle ore 15:00 alle ore 18:00 del giorno feriale precedente alla data prescelta.

Le prenotazioni per il martedì devono dunque pervenire entro il venerdì precedente.



Corse previste nei giorni feriali: dal lunedì al venerdì: 09:30-12:30 e 16:00-17:30; il sabato dalle 08:30 alle 12:30.



Località servite: Pietrabuona, Medicina, Fibbialla, Aramo, San Quirico, Castelvecchio, Stiappa, Pontito Val di Forfora collega Pescia con le località: Pietrabuona, Calamari, Vellano, Macchino, Ponte di Sorana, Ponte di Castelvecchio, Sorana.


Telefono 800 361213

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