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Status updates at Siena

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On the occasion of the event called "Festa del Perdono 2024" in the hamlet of Levane in the Municipality of Montevarchi in the province of Arezzo, Via Aretina will be closed from Piazza del Secco to Piazza della Fiera, from 15:30 on Saturday 27th July 2024 until the end of the service.

During the event "Civitas Infernalis" in Sarteano, from 7:00 on the 26th July 2024 to 12:00 on the 29th July 2024, there will be a prohibition of vehicular traffic on s.p. 19, in the city section between Piazza D. Bargagli and Via di Fuori up to the intersection with Via del Turismo.
Direction Chianciano

In Siena, from 10:00 to 18:00 on the 25th, 26th, and 27th of July 2024, via Mascagni will be closed.
Line s54: towards Coroncina: upon reaching Porta Laterina, it will divert via del Bastianini - via San Marco - via delle Sperandie - via delle Cerchia before resuming its regular route.

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