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Status updates at Massa Carrara

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From 14:00 on the 28th July 2024 to 24:00 on the 28th July 2024, due to the closure of Via Alta Tambura at the junction for the Serretta area, the L78 services will be limited in arrival and departure at the stop called "Gronda molino" located 400 meters before the Gronda fraction towards the mountains.

Considering the Order No. 81 of 12/07/2024 from the Municipality of Pontremoli, it is communicated that from the 18th July 2024 to the 2nd August 2024, circulation for all vehicles on S.P 63 Guinadi in the Municipality of PONTREMOLI will be interrupted due to works for the installation of a new Enel power line.

Da LUNEDI’ 29 GENNAIO 2024 verrà modificato il percorso della Linea L61 così da poter raggiungere il NUOVO OSPEDALE APUANO anche da Via San Leonardo e Piazza Betti, collegamento che era stato interrotto a causa del divieto di transito sul Ponte Brugiano.
Pertanto, i percorsi della linea L61 vengono modificati. Per maggiori informazioni

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