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Winter timetable (from 15/09)

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To allow the holding of the event called "International Street Food," measures are being implemented regarding traffic, including a ban on transit through Piazza Garibaldi in Pontedera.
Therefore, from 7:00 on Friday 17th to 7:00 on Monday 20th May 2024, the following route diversions must be implemented for the lines concerned:
Lines 210, 230, 240, and 250, 430 "entrance route to PONTEDERA"
Regular route on the Napoleon Bridge, Piazza Martiri Della Libertà, Via Misericordia (NO PIAZZA GARIBALDI), Via Dante, regular route
Lines 1, 2, 3, SHUTTLE B, 380, 400, 410, 430, 450, 460, and 500 "entrance route to PONTEDERA"
Regular route on Via De Gasperi up to the intersection with Via IV Novembre, left on Via IV Novembre (NO SOTTOPASSO MONTAGNOLA), continuation on Via Rinaldo Piaggio, continuation on Via Hangar, right on Viale America, right on Via Tosco Romagnola, continuation right on Via Pisana, bus station

To allow the event called "Historical Reenactment, Battle of Ponte di Sacco A.D. 1497" to take place, some traffic measures are being implemented, including the closure of Piazza D’Appiano, Via Roma, and Via Dei Mille in Ponsacco.
Therefore, from 14:30 to 18:30 on Saturday 18th May 2024, route diversions will be in place affecting lines 380 - 400 - 410 - 450 - 460 - 500. For more information


To allow the cycling race named "5th Gran Premio di Lari - Città Della Ciliegia" to take place, some traffic measures are being implemented, including the closure of via Sonnino in Lari.
Due to this, from 13:30 to 18:30 on Saturday 18th May 2024, the following diversion route must be taken for line 400 services:
Line 400 "PERIGNANO - LARI route"
will terminate and reverse at the roundabout intersection between Via Dei Ciliegi and SP46, where a technical stop will be made to resume the schedule from that location, excluding passage through the center of Lari and Usigliano.

Autolinee Toscane informa che nel bacino provinciale di Pisa dal prossimo 28 marzo 2024, come deciso dalle istituzioni preposte, vi saranno modifiche nei percorsi e negli orari di alcune linee bus TPL per venire incontro alle esigenze dell’utenza. Le linee interessate sono la 140-180-190-400-410-430-460-500. Per maggiori informazioni

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Winter timetable (from 15/09)

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